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Suppliers Records - Contacts / Records Management - MS Access Accounting Software Free Downdload

 Supplier Records Management

  1. From drop-down list, please select existing supplier, some users are already created for example
  2. Self described buttons are available for record management
  3. Tabs will enable to add more details of supplier.
  4. Sections will help to segregate supplier related information.
suppliers record - access based accounting

  1. Bank information for online transactions
  2. Select supplier ledger account for tracking history; for the purpose please create separate GL account for each supplier form Account creation form.
  3. Add/Select storage locations for receiving of goods/services
  4. Add more than one locations for a supplier by following step3.
suppliers record - access based accounting

  1. From list, click ID for specific supplier record.
  2. Use search textbox for filtering required supplier


suppliers record - access based accounting


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To get the full version with all enabled features, please contact at ‘TaskManager21@gmail.com’.

All rights reserved for MS Access Accounting Ledger Database Software Free Download (accesscompleteaccounting.blogspot.com)


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